Resep Membuat APPLE PIE (pie apel super gampang) yang Khas

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APPLE PIE (pie apel super gampang). What are the best apples to use in pies? In the Taste of Home Test Kitchen, we prefer using Granny Smith for pies because of its tart flavor and ability to hold its shape. If you want something with a little more sweetness, we recommend using Braeburn, Golden Delicious or Jonagold.

APPLE PIE (pie apel super gampang)

It continues to be my favorite apple pie. I should have suggested some additions and alternatives that I use when I submitted this recipe so I will now. This apple pie has absolutely ruined me for every other apple pie recipe out there.
Kamu dapat dengan mudah membuat APPLE PIE (pie apel super gampang) menggunakan 7 bahan dan 6 langkah kerja yang cepat.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat APPLE PIE (pie apel super gampang) :

I can hardly bring myself to lift a fork to any other slice because it's just downright disappointing compared to this one. This pie has ruined me in the same way these chocolate chip cookies have made me a cookie elitist. If you want great flavor and texture, these are the hands-down best apples to use. which kind of apple. Firm, dry apples usually work best in a pie because they soften up but don't turn mushy when baked.

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat APPLE PIE (pie apel super gampang) :

  1. Siapkan loyang panggang, semir dengan margarin, lalu taburi dengan sedikit tepung terigu..
  2. . Panaskan butter, masukkan potongan-potongan apel..
  3. Tambahkan brown sugar dan bubuk kayu manis, tumis sampai apel menjadi agak lunak masukan cairan maizena aduk rata. Matikan api..
  4. Panaskan oven dengan suhu 180 derajat selsius selama 10 menit.
  5. Ambil 1 lembar puff pastry, letakkan 1 sdm tumisan apel, rekatkan pinggirannya dengan garpu. Ulangi sampai puff pastry habis. Tata di panggang yang sudah disiapkan. Olesi permukaan pastry dengan kuning telur. Panggang dalam oven selama 20 sampai 25 menit..
  6. Isian bisa giganti dengan selai nanas atau dengan strawberry atau buah lainya.

For the best flavor, opt for a mix of tart and sweet apples. These apple pie cookies have the perfect combination of apple, caramel, spices and flakey crunch. You will never have store bought apple pie again! These apple pie cookies are stuffed with delicious home made apple pie filling and caramel, then surrounded by flakey pie crust. Apple season means apple pies, and my favorite are those mile high deep dish apple pies packed with apples, that aren't overly sweet, and have a flaky, buttery crust.