Pie Aple. I remember coming home sullen one day because we'd lost a softball game. Grandma, in her wisdom, suggested, "Maybe a slice of my homemade apple pie will make you feel better." An apple pie is a pie in which the principal filling ingredient is apple. It is often served with whipped cream, ice cream ("apple pie à la mode"), or cheddar cheese.
Apple pie with ice cream is one of my favorite desserts. Szevasztok ez itt az APPLE PIE. There's Nothing Like A Slice Of Warm Apple Pie Served With Vanilla Ice Cream!
Kamu dapat dengan mudah membuat Pie Aple menggunakan 18 bahan dan 5 langkah kerja yang cepat.
Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Pie Aple :
- Bahan Isi :.
- 1 Buah apel fuji.
- 1 Gula merah.
- 1 sdt kayu manis bubuk.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- 2 sdm perasan lemon.
- 1 sdm margarin.
- 2 sdm granola mix (optional).
- 100 ml air.
- 1 sdt maizen (larutkan dg 1 sdm air).
- Bahan kulit :.
- 10 sdm tepung terigu.
- 4 sdm gula halus.
- 1/2 sdt vanili bubuk.
- 1 butir kuning telur.
- 5 sdm margarin.
- Bahan olesan :.
- 1 Butir kuning telur.
This Recipe For Homemade Apple Pie Has Proven To Be The BEST Apple Pie Recipe Around. Apple pie is an all-American favorite and should be in every cook's repertoire, but if you've never made an How Many Apples for a Pie. This Apple Pie has two layers of buttery crisp pastry enclosing slices of tangy sweet apples covered with cinnamon sugar. Cold butter is critical for flaky doughs; as the apple pie bakes, the floury parts cook into layers, while the butter melts, leaving open pockets.
Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Pie Aple :
- Langkah pertama siapkan bahan isi,kupas & potong kecil² apel..
- Lelehkan margarin,lalu masukkan apel & bahan isi lainnya. tambahkan 100ml air. Masak hingga apel layu. Lalu tuangi dg larutan maizena. masak hingga mengental lalu dinginkan..
- Langkah membuat kulit pie : Campur tepung terigu,gula halus,vanili & mentega. Uleni hingga berbulir seperti pasir. Setelah itu masukkan kuning telur,uleni lagi hingga kalis. Jika di rasa masih keras,boleh di tambahkan sedikit air (2-3 sdm air).Letakkan adonanpd plastik / cling wrap,lalu simpan di kulkas selama 30 menit..
- Setelah 30 menit,gilas adonan lalu letakkan pd cetakan pie,sy pakai alumunium foil siap pakai. Ratakan pinggirnya, kemudianian tusuk² bagian bawah memakai garpu..
- Masukkan isian pie yg sudah dingin,lalu Sulam bagian atas dg sisa adonan kulit yg sudah di gilas & di potong selebar 2cm. Olesi bagian atas pie dg kuning telur,lalu panggang hingga matang. Pie apel sederhana siap di sajikan ☺️.
This easy Dutch Apple Pie Recipe is made with fresh apples, a buttery crust and a streusel topping with a secret ingredient - cornmeal! The best part about this Dutch apple pie? We're are a creative tabletop studio. Unique and intelligent approach to food cinematography. These apple pie cookies have the perfect combination of apple, caramel, spices and flakey crunch.